QuantCenter is a multiple-module image analysis platform designed for whole-slide quantification in histopathology and molecular pathology. Thanks to its wide range of linkable modules and the ability to create their own image analysis algorithm, QuantCenter provides researchers with maximum flexibility in quantitative image analysis, contributing to world-class research results.
Individual applications created in QuantCenter can also be uploaded to SlideManager, for convenient execution on the research study samples.

Quantification Modules
QuantCenter provides a range of image analysis modules that can be freely combined for best results.
Quantification Tools
QuantCenter also provides assistance for studies performed on multiple slides, quantification processes can be performed both on the client and server side, and their results can be examined with data mining tools.

Server-side Analysis – QuantServer
QuantServer module allows you to execute processing and store the analyzation results on a dedicated server.

Batch Analysis – Processing Queue
Using the batch analysis module, multiple digital slides can be examined in the background on your computer, saving a significant amount of time.

Data Visualization – DVT
An integrated data visualization mode is available for each module. The result can be visualized on a table, scatterplot, pie chart or a histogram by using this feature.
Quantification Examples
The gallery below contains some examples of how widely our quantification modules can be used.

Bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cell quantification by HistoQuant

Cyprinus carpio epithelium analysis by PatternQuant

Elongated villous structure with multi-layered nuclei analysis by PatternQuant

Estrogen stained infiltrating ductal carcinoma in breast tissue by PatternQuant and NuclearQuant

Estrogen-Her2 stained breast tissue analysis by CellQuant

Golgi stained neuron network detection in the rat cortex by HistoQuant

Nuclei classification in the tumour area of progresterone stained breast tissue by NuclearQuant

Her2 stained breast tissue analysis by DensitoQuant

Her2-Cep17 DNA stained breast tissue classification by HistoQuant

Nuclei classification on cytology smear sample by HistoQuant

Progresterone stained cytoplasm classification by CellQuant

Testicle organ with sperm cells analysis by HistoQuant