The Mac version of CaseViewer (version 2.2.1) is intended for use with the CaseCenter/SlideCenter digital slide management and storage solution. (Note that only CaseViewer version 2.2.1 is compatible with Mac; all other CaseViewer/SlideViewer versions are for use with Windows only.)
In that case CaseViewer connects to the CaseCenter/SlideCenter server and opens the digital slides which are stored on the server. The computer on which CaseCenter/SlideCenter is installed does not store digital slides on its HDD, it only opens the slides from the server. In summary: if a Mac user receives digital slides on a pendrive, via a file sharing service, etc. and copies them to their Mac computer, they cannot open these slides with CaseViewer.

CaseViewer users have the following possibilities to open digital slides on a Mac computer:
- Connect to the CaseCenter/SlideCenter (if available) at their institute/hospital/university where the scanner is operated. In that case it is necessary to get permission to log into the CaseCenter / SlideCenter. The administrator of CaseCenter/SlideCenter can provide the user with a login name and a password.
- For demo purposes, anybody can connect to the 3DHISTECH demo site. There, demo slides can be opened and checked (login name: demo, password: demo).
- For expert users there is one other solution: Install a virtual machine environment and a Windows 10 VM on their Mac. There, the Windows version of CaseViewer / SlideViewer can be run and used to open local slides.