Pathologists can set up a reliable diagnosis when microscopic images are coupled with macroscopic ones. In the era of the digitalization of pathology, it is now possible to access micro and macro images from one place, quickly and comfortably.
3DHISTECH’s MacroStation is a grossing table with an image recording system, designed for use with macroscopic images. The MacroStation not only records images and helps you mark the specimen but can also be connected to the integrated slide storage of CaseManager to store all case information there. The easy-to-use MacroStation offers a manual and economical solution to acquire pathological gross macro images.
Thanks to its light-weight design, MacroStation does not require any additional work for its installation and daily use. The built-in light source and zoom functions ensure the high quality gross images from this instrument. It has an acid-proof stainless steel cover for easy cleaning.
The images can be used as regular whole-slide images: they can be annotated, shared or even discussed via teleconsultation.
High-performance recording system
- Wolf Vision VZ-8 visualizer
- Progressive Scan lens with 12x zoom
- 1024*768 pixel resolution
- Continuous autofocus
- Live image: 20 frames/second
- Software for specimen marking (section plane, pointing, etc.)

- CaseManager offers an integrated case and slide database for the pathology workflow
- Images from the MacroStation are stored within the case, along with the digital slides and other case data
- Macro images are automatically converted to digital slide and opened with the ClinicalViewer
Use the MacroStation with the PANNORAMIC Flash DESK DX to create an easy-to-use, yet powerful frozen section system!
- Create a frozen section slide with the MacroStation while saving the macro images to the server
- Scan the frozen section directly on the server with the PANNORAMIC Flash DESK DX
- Then, in a few minutes, your digital slide and the macro images will be accessible for anybody anywhere