Track & Sign is 3DHISTECH’s laboratory information system providing support for sample management and activities of pathology departments. Track&Sign™ continues to integrate the digital pathology workflow from case registration to the handover to the pathologist’s information system (for reporting) or hospital information system (for reporting/archiving), resulting in shorter turnaround times and increased efficiency. When integrated with the SlideStorage DX™ application of CaseManager DX™ pathology information system, and the ClinicalViewer™ digital microscope application, Track&Sign™ establishes a collaborative working environment in the digital pathology workflow from case registration through slide management, storage and viewing to the final report.

3DHISTECH releases the second generation of its Track & Sign Laboratory information system with significant technical and usability improvements as a separate, optional solution. Track & Sign is a comprehensive laboratory information system, providing support for sample management and diagnostic activities of pathology departments. Track & Sign continues to integrate the digital pathology workflow from case registration to the final report, resulting in shorter turnaround times and increased efficiency. Optional integration with 3rd party hospital information systems is available through an HL7 interface to establish a secure communication channel to exchange, identify, store and manage electronic health records (patient data and case information). It links electronic health records and data of samples – mostly surgical pathology and cytology slides – digital sections primarily obtained from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue specimens and cytology samples (vaginal smears) – for laboartories in a centralized database into cases. It is intended for use by healthcare professionals (laboratory personnel) in laboratory or clinical environment. The Track&Sign™ Software application does not have any medical feature or clinical purpose.
Key features
- Professional, barcode-based pathology sample tracking from registration to scanning and handover
- Advanced user and permission management
- Advanced workflow management, complete control over individual workflow phases
- Built-in voice recorder to create audio files attached to cases during the gross dissection phase
- Fully integrated communication with 3DHISTECH’s CaseManager DX for automatic digital slide scanning and easy case assignment
- Built in HL7 API for 3rd party HIS integration
- Ability to receive special examination requests from the pathologist’s workstation from CaseManager DX
- Sensitive data protection
- Import users by LDAP / Active Directory integraion