3DHISTECH is proud to announce the new software releases.
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3DHISTECH Release Notes

Discover the new CISHQuant application for definite image processing and immediate evaluation algorithm for the ultimate support to pathologists.
CISHQuant Release Notes

A breakthrough in automatic nuclei and gene signal detection and evaluation with the new FISHQuant 1.16 release for saving you time and money.
FISHQuant Release Notes

Sophisticated image analysis solution for pathological IHC quantification. QuantCenter includes pattern recognition-based tissue pre-segmentation (PatternQuant), cell nuclei and membrane detection modules (NuclearQuant and MembraneQuant).

PatternQuant: this pattern recognition based tissue analysis allows you to detect several histological structures: different tissue components or histopathological lesions can be distinguished.

NuclearQuant: the redesigned NuclearQuant algorithm offers more ro- bust and 30x faster IHC nuclear detection.

MembraneQuant: the new MembraneQuant algorithm allows for whole slide measurement while improving robustness and speed by 10x.

Experience the new CaseCenter 2.4 software with its “VirtualTray” to be able to combine multiple digital slides into one virtual case without the need for more storage space.
CaseCenter Release Notes

Take advantage of our high performance slide viewer, the CaseViewer 1.2 with ultra resolution and touchscreen support.
CaseViewer Release Notes

Improved intelligent focus map algorithm with the new Scanner Software version 1.17 release for better focus point layout producing better focused images.
Scanner Software Release Notes

GTMA 2.0 brings new features like CaseCenter integration to find digital slides matching the donor block. Project based workflow with simplified interface makes this the most polished TMA solution to date. The safety of the project is ensured even through complete power loss.
TMA Grand Master Release Notes

Additionally, we are proud to present the newest version of Pannoramic Viewer, the 1.15.3 Release, with recently adjusted features it is time to experience an easily expandable functionality via the software modules and even more precise measurements.
For further inquiries about 3DHISTECH’s new releases please contact our sales department at sales@3dhistech.com