We are proud to announce the release of version 2.3 of our QuantCenter digital image analysis platform.
3DHISTECH Releases QuantCenter 2.3 with Unique Image Analysis Module
QuantCenter is our multiple-module image analysis platform designed for whole-slide quantification in histopathology and molecular pathology. Thanks to its wide range of optional modules, QuantCenter provides researchers with maximum flexibility in quantitative image analysis, contributing to world-class research results. What’s more, QuantCenter’s modules can be linked for multi-level analysis.
Now we are proud to announce the release of QuantCenter version 2.3 with the following key new features:
ScriptQuant: New image analysis module for maximum flexibility
ScriptQuant provides a shell for user-created image analysis scripts in Python for maximum flexibility for the research user, enabling them to run their own image analysis algorithms within the QuantCenter framework.
Its key features include
- – Arbitrary script editor (VS Code by Microsoft is recommended)
- – The user-created script can be saved into a scenario and handled like one
- – Fast visual feedback: write your code and see the results immediately!
- – ScriptQuant can be extended with external libraries (e.g. OpenCV, TensorFlow…)
- – Well-documented API and use case examples, and many more
PatternQuant Plus: Image analysis for complex tissue segmentation projects
PatternQuant Plus is an improved alternative to the existing PatternQuant image analysis module – intended for use on more challenging samples (low visual difference between the staining of tissue types within the sample) and for complex tissue segmentation projects when thorough training using deep learning on multiple slides is needed. PatternQuant Plus can analyze both fluorescent and brightfield slides.
Its key features include
- – Faster and more accurate tissue segmentation even in case of weak contrast and problematic staining
- – Option for training on multiple slides
- – Multiple classification features

For more information about the QuantCenter™ image analysis platform, please visit the QuantCenter product page.