Please, be invited to the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB), and visit booth number 940 at the industry exhibition, where 3DHISTECH presents new developments.
Date: December 15-19th, 2012
Location: Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA, USA
D I G I T A L F I S H :
New CytoFISHQuant is released
Computer-assisted IHC and FISH quantification modules
for the free Pannoramic Viewer.

multi-channel FISH probes.
More Applications
D I G I T A L M I C R O S C O P Y :
Pannoramic MIDI Digital Slide Scanner

The Pannoramic Digital Slide Scanner Family
equipped with the award-winning Pannoramic optical system.
S M A R T D I A G N O S T I C E N V I R O N M E N T :
The Digital Pathology Cockpit

with microscope-like navigation on digital slides!
- CaseCenter – Web based slide and case database for easy slide access and integration with HIS/LIS.
- CaseViewer – Open and organize your slides within one case with a single click!
- SlideDriver – Various built in coarse magnifications, custom zoom level and Z-stack handling.
- Pannoramic Viewer for iPad – Intuitive navigation and diagnosis on the go.
Experience Mobile Pathology with the free application available on the iTunes Apps Store!