QuantCenter is the latest sophisticated image analysis solution from 3DHISTECH for pathological IHC quantification, including tissue pre-segmentation, and cell nuclei and membrane detection modules.

PatternQuant : this pattern recognition based tissue segmentation software allows you to distinguish different histological structures.
The redesigned NuclearQuant algorithm offers more robust and 30x faster IHC nuclear detection.
The new MembraneQuant algorithm allows for whole slide measurement while improving robustness and speed by 10x.
CellQuant measures the stain intensity of the cell nucleus, cytoplasm and membrane in parallel.
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Date: 27th May, 2014.
Session 1,
8:00 CEST
11:00 MSK
16:00 JST
18:00 AEDT
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Session 2,
8:00 PST
11:00 EST
14:00 BRT
17:00 CEST