PatternQuant Plus is an improved alternative to PatternQuant for more challenging samples and for complex tissue segmentation projects when thorough training using deep learning on multiple slides is needed.

PatternQuant Plus is an improved alternative to PatternQuant for more challenging samples and for complex tissue segmentation projects when thorough training using deep learning on multiple slides is needed.
PatternQuantPlus Module in QuantCenter
Color- and pattern-based image analysis solutions are used to identify different tissue elements in stained tissue. Instead of the time-consuming manual annotation, automated detection and annotation of a region of interest is available with a quick training on relevant tissue samples.
PatternQuant Plus is an improved alternative to PatternQuant for more challenging samples (low visual difference between the staining of tissue types within the sample) and for complex tissue segmentation projects when thorough training using deep learning on multiple slides is needed. This module can analyze fluorescent and brightfield slides.