SlideViewer (former CaseViewer) is designed for effective work with whole-slide images. Easy-to-use, intuitive interface and high performance – the right solution for research pathology!

WebViewer is now the default multi-platform application for smooth slide opening in SlideCenter. This built-in software is developed to manage arbitrary annotations and to significantly increase slide viewing speed.
InstantViewer is the default application for opening slides in SlideCenter. It is a multi-platform slide viewer application supporting the following platforms: Windows, Mac OSX, iOS, LINUX and Blackberry.
Mobile Pathology Tool: the iPad Viewer
The free iPad Viewer is available in the iTunes Apps Store. Developed for medical and research professionals, it is a high-resolution image viewer which opens digital slides from Pathonet or your SlideCenter. With an internet connection, you can access your digital slides wherever you are.
3DView is a software application that prepares 3D reconstructions of 2D serial sections. It is also capable of displaying microCT images in 3D.
Please note that we no longer support PANNORAMIC Viewer. While you can continue to use it, we recommend you download the latest version of the SlideViewer, which offers enhanced functionality (including the unique MultiView feature) and which is also free to download.