PathoNet is a virtual meeting place for pathologists from all over the world. They can use it as a virtual pathology laboratory to exchange their views on their cases. Join us and share your experience. Special or rare cases may be very useful in the diagnostic practice.
How does PathoNet work?
- Upload data of your interesting pathology cases and share them with your colleagues.
- Insert digital images (macro- or microscopic images) or digital slides into your case description.
- Add diagnostic information (text or images).
- Invite colleagues to share their opinion with you – and consult with specialists about your case via Teleconsultation.
- Share your case with the public to allow others to learn from it.
- Browse public cases on PathoNet to learn from the slides submitted by others.
- Comment on cases.

Who can benefit from PathoNet?
Everybody who would like to use digital microscopy in human, veterinary or forensic pathology; in laboratory medicine, in human anatomy; in experimental research; in medical education. Practicing physicians, students, tutors, experts and researchers can all contribute and benefit from PathoNet.
Currently, most of the slides at PathoNet come from human pathology. We hope that you will also upload slides from many fields, for example:
- Human pathology
- Molecular microscopic morphology from the life sciences
- Quantitative morphometry demonstrations
- Research and practice in digital microscopy imaging, for examplehisto- and cyto-imaging
- Quality assurance of immunohistochemistry and cytochemistry
- In situ hybridization
Register and learn about digital slides and virtual microscopy. Share your slides, share your knowledge and learn from others.