Scanning service by 3DHISTECH: From glass slides to high-resolution, extra-quality virtual slides at very affordable prices.
Have you ever wondered how your glass slides would look like on the monitor of your PC?
Do you want to work with virtual slides but you cannot afford to buy a digital slide scanner?
3DHISTECH offers slide scanning services to medical professionals or organizations. A range of options is available, including brightfield or fluorescence* illuminations, confocal scanning as well as 20x or 40x objective. (In case of confocal scanning, water immersion is available.) Scanning is performed on the PANNORAMIC scanner of your choice.
Simply send us your glass slides with the completed order form and in a few days you will get them back along with the high resolution and extra quality virtual slides. Digital slides are either delivered on a DVD or an external hard drive or are hosted in SlideCenter or on the PathoNet site.
3DHISTECH offers the scanning service at very affordable prices.
*Please note that fluorescence scanning can take more time if we do not have the appropriate fluorescent filters yet.
For additional information as well as our Terms & Conditions please view the Scanning service order form (PDF).
You may also download SlideViewer 2.7 by clicking HERE

*Please note that fluorescence scanning can take more time if we do not have the appropriate fluorescent filters yet.